John C. Anderson

Holly Goforth, Book One: the Stalking

To preview, borrow, or purchase Holly at Amazon, please click on the title above. 

Holly Goforth is the coming of age story of a young girl whose privileged boarding school life ends forever with the death and disgrace of her wealthy father. She must return home to support her now destitute family. En route, she is sexually molested by a violent predator. The novel follows the lives of these two people over the next year. With the loss of innocence and the destruction of her sense of entitlement and security, Holly's initiation into adulthood begins. Her responses to the events in her life mature as her knowledge, education, and experience build. Her false view of the world, the last vestige of her pampered life, is corrected by a man, someone she at first calls her professor. Acting together for a common purpose, a source of enormous satisfaction for both of them, they fall in love. They realize what they must do to pursue decent lives and chase happiness together with some realistic hope of achieving it. As Holly’s quest succeeds and her world expands, enabling her to grow, her predator’s quest to find and destroy her becomes even more relentless. Seduced by his own lust, which he blindly confuses with love, he stalks Holly. His quest causes his constricted life to shrink even further.

Holly Goforth, Book Two: the Revenge

The Revenge is the second installment in the Holly Goforth series. In Book One: the Stalking, Holly’s privileged boarding school life ended with the death and disgrace of her wealthy father. Her initiation into adulthood began.  The adventure continues in Book Two: the Revenge. Holly’s quest to grow into a self-realized woman becomes ever more difficult after she travels from the ice and snow of Northern Michigan to the sun and beaches of South Florida. Determined to avenge a betrayal by her first love, she discovers that she must also do everything she can to help her mother survive breast cancer while also rescuing her brother from his determined self-sabotage. What began as the simple desire to punish someone for an offense turns into a mission that reveals unimagined adversaries with the power to destroy her and her family. An old ally joins Holly in a desperate battle against the one person in her life she has always counted on to stand with her against all odds. She must finally choose between her lust for revenge and the state of grace that comes with compassionate forgiveness.

The Wages of Gin

Click on the title above to purchase or preview John's at for only $9.99. It is also available as a trade paperback at the I-Proclaim Bookstore and as an e-book at Barnes & Noble and at Amazon

The Wages of Gin is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental. Yeah, sure. This book is an anti-memoir, written to satirize that vicious plague on the published word. It is indeed concerned with people the author has known and jobs he has held. But unlike Jack Collins, the murderous character who confesses here, the author has never killed anyone.

GIRTY: The Legend

With a Foreword by Grandfather Lee Standing Bear Moore (Yonv), esteemed elder of the Manataka American Indian Peace Council and Editor of Smoke Signal News


“We prefer to learn American Indian history from American Indians.  Who can tell the stories better?   Granted, many worthwhile texts are available from honest and well-intended scholars who attempt to truthfully report the past.  It's not that we do not trust versions told by the dominant culture, though there are many examples of our history erroneously reported or deliberately altered to fit the invader's own views.  Anderson’s book is a welcome exception.  His Truth lets us see a past most historians fail to report.  We are grateful to John Anderson for the Truth revealed in Girty: the Legend.” -- Yonv

There was a time when the name Simon Girty made grown men tremble and children behave.   It was vilified in stories told around campfires and fireplaces.  By the end of the nineteenth and well into the twentieth, thanks to cheap novels and bad movies, it was a name known everywhere.  The man who bore it was known as “a monster of cruelty,”  “a depraved, wicked wretch,” and “a whirlwind of fury, desperation and barbarity.”   Although he is unknown today, his life provided epic opportunity for exploitation and distortion to the early myth-makers who spun tall tales about the great heroes, such as Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton.  They used Simon Girty to cover up the crimes committed by their countrymen against America’s native people, even blaming him for turning the Indian into a viable threat against civilized, white society.  If left alone in their wilderness, these innocent, child-like aboriginals would have been spared to live peacefully. Instead, the Indians had been tricked into doing evil by the clever, malevolent white renegade.  Unable to civilize Indians, European settlers had no choice but to slaughter them and take their lands.  The Indians were as much the victims of Girty as the white men, women and children Girty killed and scalped.  Blaming Simon Girty for the passing of the red man disguised what really brought about the destruction of the American Indian – the ax and plow, white European contagious diseases, forced removal, murder, and neglect.   It’s helpful to remember the real Simon Girty in his time.  By observing the true life and adventures of this one frontiersman in his time and place, perhaps we can make better, more honest sense of the past and the present. Perhaps we can even help our children and grandchildren perceive a more valid America than they are likely to find in our popular literature and history texts.  

Free Love

Cultivating the Garden of Eden in the New World 


"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is; I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute." – Rebecca West

Few American heroes of the nineteenth century honored today.  Yes, the Civil War, its generals, and Abraham Lincoln are given great attention.  Otherwise, the middle period between the Revolution and the Civil War is largely noticed only for its mesmerizing healers, frontier outlaws and New York gangs, spirit speakers, clairvoyants and prophets, and notorious leaders, such as the polarizing Andrew Jackson, the crooked Boss Tweed, the terrorist John Brown, and the weak Martin Van Buren and Millard Fillmore.  Yet the experience in the early and middle nineteenth century did a great deal to shape the nation we live in today as America moved so quickly from a developing country after the War of 1812 to a major world power by the end of the Mexican War of 1846.  Subsistence farming gave way to industry with innovations in transportation (the steamboat, the Erie Canal, the railroad), communications (the telegraph, the steam-operated printing press, more efficient paper-making), the mechanization of agriculture (McCormick’s reaper, John Deere’s steel plow), and methods of mass production.  Many of the issues that faced Americans then are remarkably similar to those that confront us today: social reform, religious zeal, immigration, financial markets in crisis, wars criticized as immoral. Most interesting to me are the contributions made by individuals whose achievements have been lost to history but which have affected each of us.  Anyone who wants to know how the past has made the present should want to look more closely at the nineteenth century. Free Love profiles the leading social reformers of this middle period who sought to establish Utopia in the new world of America.  They failed, but in the process they built the foundation for today’s feminist movement.  Odds are that you have not read about or ever heard of Robert Owen, Fanny Wright, Lucretia Mott, John Humphrey Noyes, Josiah Warren, Mary Gove Nichols, Etienne Cabet, and Victoria Woodhull.  Well, here they are and here are their compelling stories.  Pre-release copies of Free Love are now available at this site for advance sales.






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